Seminole Club of the Rockies Scholarship

Recipient must be a full-time undergraduate student and resident of the state of Colorado.

Seminole Club of the Rockies
Supplemental Questions
  1. For over one hundred years, the Latin words Vires, Artes, Mores have been the guiding philosophy behind Florida State University. This motto translates to Strength, Skill, Character. These institutional core values are illustrated by three torches in the center of the university's seal. The torches symbolize Florida State University’s mission to educate and influence students physically, mentally, and morally. By emphasizing strength, skill, and character, Florida State University nurtures students who are not only well-equipped for their future careers but also committed to making a positive impact in their communities.

    Please provide a response of 250 words or less to each of the next 3 questions relating to Vires, Artes, Mores.
    • 1. Vires, or Strength, can be a combination of physical, mental, moral, and intellectual strength.
      Please share an experience of a defining moment in your time at Florida State University when you have shown resilience in the face of adversity, overcoming an obstacle or bump in the road in your academic or personal life.
    • 2. Artes, or Skill, refers to art, area of knowledge, and craft.
      How do you spend your time in and out of the classroom - leadership roles, clubs, community service, activism, sports, employment, family responsibilities, achievements, special recognitions, etc.? How have these things shaped you and made you who you are?
    • 3. Mores, or Character, refers to manner, morals, customs, and will.
      Discuss a person who has had a profound impact on your character development. How has this person influenced your values or inspired you to pursue your goals, and why?