College of Medicine Alumni Relations Fund

Recipient must be a student enrolled in the Florida State University College of Medicine in good academic standing, who has met specific academic, leadership and other criteria as determined by the FSU Medical Alumni Scholarship Review Committee. Recipient must be returning to the FSU College of Medicine for the Fall semester.

Scholarship Committee
Academic College/Unit
College of Medicine
Supplemental Questions
  1. Where did you complete your undergraduate degree?
  2. List the name of parent or guardians and occupation(s). Please note years attended at FSU, if applicable.
  3. List siblings attending/attended FSU.
  4. How are you financing your attendance at the FSU College of Medicine?
  5. Why did you select FSU for your medical education?
  6. Which specialty do you plan to pursue a career in?
  7. Why do you need this scholarship? Please indicate any special circumstances or obstacles.
  8. Are you scheduled to return to the FSU College of Medicine for the upcoming semester?
  9. Show 3 more