Winthrop King Summer Undergraduate Scholarship for Japanese Studies

Recipient must be an undergraduate student with a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in Japanese. Applicants must have completed at least two courses in Japanese at Florida State University, each worth three credits or more, including at least one course above or beyond JPN 2300, no later than the end of the semester in which the application is made.

Mr. J. Alan Cox
Academic College/Unit
College of Arts & Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Review the terms and conditions for this scholarship at the Winthrop King Summer Undergraduate Scholarship for Japanese Studies web page and agree to them here.
  2. Will you have completed at least two courses in Japanese at Florida State University, each worth three credits or more, including at least one course above and beyond JPN 2300, by the end of the current semester?
  3. Complete and upload the study abroad program form here. The form can be accessed on the following web page:
  4. You must upload a statement of purpose of approximately 250 words in English explaining what you hope to gain personally and/or professionally from an opportunity to live abroad for your language study.
  5. This scholarship will be awarded to the winner in the upcoming summer semester. Students who are planning to graduate on or before the summer semester are not eligible. When are you planning to graduate? Provide the year and the semester of your graduation.